How to create a package in Web Host Manager (WHM)

  1. Log into your WHM interface.

  2. Click on the Add a Package option located under the Packages category from the left-hand menu panel.

  3. From the package creation page, first, enter a Package Name and assign limits to the different resources.

  4. Next, assign any of the additional Settingsyou may want to give the package. This is where you can make your packages larger or smaller depending on your requirements. We do not allow unlimited packages as it is very detrimental on server performance.

    Options Select any additional options you want to provide. Normally, only CGI Access is selected here.
    cPanel Theme Select the default cPanel theme (layout) from the dropdown.
    Feature List Select which feature list to assign to the account. Feature lists specify which cPanel features are available to the user, and are managed within the Feature Manager in WHM.
    Locale Select the default language you want to assign to the cPanels using the package.

  5. Once the resources and settings are assigned, click on the Add button to complete the process.
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